You don't want to do this (yes I do)
You're not going to be able to finish (yes I will)
You don't have to do this (yes I do)
This is not a race (yes it is)
Nobody is competing against you here (yes they are)
Why are you doing this to yourself (because I must)
Seriously, you don't have to (yes, I do)
What are you trying to prove (it doesn't matter)
You're going to regret this (fine, that's what I'll do)
And then you begin
See, every part of your body is rebelling (calm down)
That discomfort is going to become pain (calm down)
You're not going to be able to finish (calm down)
You might as well quit (never)
Why are you doing this (because I must)
What are you trying to prove (it doesn't matter)
You're never going to be able to pull this off (the worst that can happen isn't that bad)
Oh, no, my friend... failure stings (failure to start stings more)
You remember failure... you don't wan-- (never again)
And then the finish line draws near
You're running out of gas (I have enough)
You're not going to make it (I must)
You can't (I can)
What makes you think you can (I don't think I can)
Exactly (I know I can)
You can't win (I can't lose)
Just stop (just stop)
The challenge is figuring out which is the voice in my head, and then how to silence the other.
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